UAE Innovation Week is a national occasion for everyone in the UAE, where efforts made by government entities, private companies, and individuals converge to help spread a culture of innovation in the UAE and promote the Emirates as a global innovation hub.
The Ras Al Khaimah Department of Human Resources launched the Innovation Team and seven initiatives during UAE Innovation Week 2021:
- The Future of the RAK Department of Human Resources 2071 initiative, which outlines future scenarios for employment and HR systems.
- The Innovative Human Resources initiative, which includes five innovative workshops to explore best practices in conducting interviews and developing job skills, the challenges and opportunities in the HR sector, effective innovation tools, and the future of HR. More than 200 participants interacted with the workshops, reporting an 85% satisfaction rate.
- The 50 Most Innovative Ideas initiative to field ideas to develop RAK Government employees and make them happy. Applications could be submitted via links published on various websites and social media channels.
- The New Employee Journey initiative, which offers a roadmap for new employees using 360-degree imagery.
- The soon-to-be-launched Human Capital Academy, which aims to mold, train, and develop employees specializing in modern HR theory and applications, as well as in supervising – all in line with international best practices and in keeping with the requirements for success in the government sector.
- The HR MIND CUBE initiative, which kicks off sessions in March 2021, welcoming employees from the Ras Al Khaimah Department of Human Resources.
- The Mystery Innovation Games initiative, which targets the Department’s employees and offers them innovative and interactive games to create an innovation-friendly environment that promotes teamwork and boosts competitiveness. The objective is to encourage employees to share their knowledge, expertise, suggestions, and recommendations to be taken into consideration.